Hello everyone. Today was a beautiful summer's day, and it was a lovely day all in all :) Last night we went to The Brass Bell for Mikey J's Birthday, and a fun time was had by all :)
Hanging out with Jocelyn's two friends from Oz has been awesome, showing them around the area and teaching them why they shouldn't repeat the phrases they heard the fishermen at Kalk Bay screaming. And yes, Mr. Fisherman, you certainly ARE our macdaddy. (A fisherman - however drunk he was, caught a stingray at the harbour. He then proceeded to shout loudly to everyone: "Who's your MACDADDY! I'M your macdaddy!")
I rather fancy Kalky's Calamari.
As previously mentioned, J and her friends J and C and I went down to Kalk Bay for a look around some of the shops and galleries, and we ended up on the end of the jetty/dock/harbour and had lunch. Then a seal gave us a fright.
In other news, It's almost summer! Look at this beautiful picture.

A big shout out to L, who is a big inspiration for this blog - I look up to her blogging skills and hopefully mine will be like hers. Thanks, L :)
Now remember kids, Keep strong in Christ, and look before you cross the road!